
The medium of instruction is English. Hindi and Malayalam are taught as additional languages. Computer Education is compulsory from UKG. Our faculty consists of a team of well qualified, experienced and dedicated teachers headed by an eminent Principal. The school prepares students for the Secondary and the Senior Secondary Examinations.

Academic Year

The Academic Year starts from middle of May for classes V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X and XII and from first of June for primary and ends on 31 March, 2017. Classes for X and XII will conclude by November end, followed by remedial classes, extra coaching and model examinations.


The school admits boys and girls. Application form for KG will be available in the office from November or can be applied online. Admission starts from November. The minimum age is 4 years for LKG and 6 years for Class 1 as on the 01 June.

Courses offered in
Senior Secondary

CompulsoryOptional (any two)
English, Physics, ChemistryMathematics, Biology, Malayalam, Computer Science
EnglishAccountancy, Bussiness Studies, Economics, Informatics Practices
Mathematics, Computer Science